A Pleat is a fold in the cover hook that extends from the cut edge downward toward the cover hook radius and sometimes below this radius in a sharp vee or spur.

A Pucker is a condition which is intermediate between a reverse wrinkle and a pleat, where the cover hook at the cut edge is locally distorted downward without actually folding.

A Spur is a localized irregularity characterized by a sharp protrusion at the bottom of the double seam. It is usually accompanied by a pleat or vee in the cover hook.


  • First operation seaming roll set too tight.

  • Worn or inappropriate first operation seaming roll.

  • First operation seam too loose.

  • Cover feed separator damage.


  • Adjust first operation seaming roll tightness.

  • Replace worn first operation seaming roll and/or install proper roll profile.

  • Adjust first operation seam to proper tightness.

  • Evaluate ends as they are being separated to determine whether curl damage is occurring in cover separation or through the cover guide rails. Check cover bell guides for proper setting.